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Package OpenSim.Framework


package  AssetLoader
package  Capabilities
package  Client
package  Console
package  Monitoring
package  Serialization
package  Servers
package  ServiceAuth
package  Tests


class  AgentCircuitData
 Circuit data for an agent. Connection information shared between regions that accept UDP connections from a client More...
class  AgentCircuitManager
 Manage client circuits More...
class  AgentUpdateArgs
 Client provided parameters for avatar movement More...
class  Animation
 Information about an Animation More...
class  AnimationSet
class  AssetBase
 Asset class. All Assets are reference by this class or a class derived from this class More...
class  AssetMetadata
class  AssetLandmark
class  AssetPermissions
class  AssetRequestToClient
 This class was created to refactor OutPacket out of AssetCache There is a conflict between OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetRequest and OpenSim.Framework.AssetRequest and unifying them results in a prebuild chicken and egg problem with OpenSim.Framework requiring OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache while OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache requiring OpenSim.Framework More...
class  AuthenticateResponse
class  AvatarAppearance
 Contains the Avatar's Appearance and methods to manipulate the appearance. More...
class  AvatarAttachment
class  AvatarPickerAvatar
 Avatar returned by the Avatar Picker request More...
class  AvatarPickerReplyAgentDataArgs
 Args to return to a client that queries picker data More...
class  AvatarPickerReplyDataArgs
struct  WearableItem
class  AvatarWearable
class  AvatarWearingArgs
class  BasicDOSProtector
class  BasicDosProtectorOptions
class  BlockingQueue< T >
class  CacheItemBase
class  MemoryCacheItem
class  FileCacheItem
class  Cache
class  CachedTextureRequestArg
class  CachedTextureResponseArg
class  CapsUtil
 Capabilities utility methods More...
class  ChildAgentDataUpdate
interface  IAgentData
class  AgentPosition
 Replacement for ChildAgentDataUpdate. Used over RESTComms and LocalComms. More...
class  AgentGroupData
class  ControllerData
class  AgentData
class  CompleteAgentData
class  CircularBuffer< T >
class  ClientInfo
class  ClientManager
 Maps from client AgentID and RemoteEndPoint values to IClientAPI references for all of the connected clients More...
class  CnmMemoryCache< TKey, TValue >
 Cenome memory based cache to store key/value pairs (elements) limited time and/or limited size. More...
class  CnmSynchronizedCache< TKey, TValue >
 Synchronized Cenome cache wrapper. More...
class  DetectedObject
class  ColliderArgs
class  ConfigSettings
class  ConfigurationMember
class  ConfigurationOption
class  Constants
class  Culture
class  DAMap
 This class stores and retrieves dynamic attributes. More...
class  DOMap
 This class stores and retrieves dynamic objects. More...
class  DoubleDictionaryThreadAbortSafe< TKey1, TKey2, TValue >
 A double dictionary that is thread abort safe. More...
class  EntityTransferContext
class  EstateBan
class  EstateSettings
class  EventData
struct  ExtraPhysicsData
class  FriendListItem
class  GridInstantMessage
class  GroupRecord
class  GroupMembershipData
struct  GroupTitlesData
struct  GroupProfileData
struct  GroupMembersData
struct  GroupRolesData
struct  GroupRoleMembersData
struct  GroupNoticeData
struct  GroupVoteHistory
struct  GroupActiveProposals
interface  IAssetLoader
struct  DirPlacesReplyData
struct  DirPeopleReplyData
struct  DirEventsReplyData
struct  DirGroupsReplyData
struct  DirClassifiedReplyData
struct  DirLandReplyData
struct  DirPopularReplyData
class  IEntityUpdate
class  EntityUpdate
class  PlacesReplyData
class  PrimUpdateFlagsExtensions
interface  IClientAPI
interface  ICnmCache< TKey, TValue >
 Represent generic cache to store key/value pairs (elements) limited by time, size and count of elements. More...
interface  ICommands
interface  ICommandConsole
interface  IConsole
interface  IGenericConfig
interface  IImprovedAssetCache
interface  ILandObject
interface  IMoneyModule
class  InventoryCollection
 Used to serialize a whole inventory for transfer over the network. More...
class  InventoryFolderBase
 User inventory folder More...
class  InventoryFolderImpl
class  InventoryItemBase
 Inventory Item - contains all the properties associated with an individual inventory piece. More...
class  InventoryNodeBase
 Common base class for inventory nodes of different types (files, folders, etc.) More...
class  UserData
interface  IPeople
class  PluginNotInitialisedException
 Exception thrown if Initialise has been called, but failed. More...
interface  IPlugin
 This interface, describes a generic plugin More...
class  PluginInitialiserBase
 Any plugins which need to pass parameters to their initialisers must inherit this class and use it to set the PluginLoader Initialiser property More...
interface  IPrimCounts
interface  IUserPrimCounts
interface  IRegionCreator
interface  IRegistryCore
interface  IScene
interface  ISceneAgent
 An agent in the scene. More...
interface  ISceneEntity
interface  ISceneObject
class  LandAccessEntry
class  LandData
 Details of a Parcel of land More...
class  LandStatReportItem
class  LandUpdateArgs
class  Lazy< T >
class  Location
class  LocklessQueue< T >
class  Login
class  LogWriter
 Class for writing a high performance, high volume log file. Sometimes, to debug, one has a high volume logging to do and the regular log file output is not appropriate. Create a new instance with the parameters needed and call Write() to output a line. Call Close() when finished. If created with no parameters, it will not log anything. More...
class  MainConsole
class  MapAndArray< TKey, TValue >
 Stores two synchronized collections: a mutable dictionary and an immutable array. Slower inserts/removes than a normal dictionary, but provides safe iteration while maintaining fast hash lookups More...
class  MapBlockData
struct  mapItemReply
class  MetricsCollectorLong
 A MetricsCollector for 'long' values. More...
class  MetricsCollectorTime
 A MetricsCollector for time spans. More...
struct  MetricsBucket< T >
class  MetricsCollector< T >
 Collects metrics in a sliding window. More...
interface  IHandle
class  MinHeap< T >
class  MultipartForm
class  NetworkServersInfo
class  NetworkUtil
 Handles NAT translation in a 'manner of speaking' Allows you to return multiple different external hostnames depending on the requestors network
struct  ObjectChangeData
interface  IEventArgs
class  OSChatMessage
 ChatFromViewer Arguments More...
class  OutboundUrlFilter
class  PermissionsUtil
class  PluginConstraintViolatedException
 Exception thrown if an incorrect number of plugins are loaded More...
interface  IPluginConstraint
 Classes wishing to impose constraints on plugin loading must implement this class and pass it to PluginLoader AddConstraint() More...
interface  IPluginFilter
 Classes wishing to select specific plugins from a range of possible options must implement this class and pass it to PluginLoader Load() More...
class  PluginLoader< T >
 Generic Plugin Loader More...
class  PluginExtensionNode
class  PluginCountConstraint
 Constraint that bounds the number of plugins to be loaded. More...
class  PluginProviderFilter
 Filters out which plugin to load based on the plugin name or names given. Plugin names are contained in their addin.xml More...
class  PluginIdFilter
 Filters plugins according to their ID. Plugin IDs are contained in their addin.xml More...
class  PluginManager
 Manager for registries and plugins More...
class  Pool< T >
 Naive pool implementation. More...
class  PrimeNumberHelper
 Utility class that is used to find small prime numbers and test is number prime number.
class  PrimitiveBaseShape
class  PriorityQueue
class  RegionHandshakeArgs
class  RegionLightShareData
class  RegionInfo
class  RegionInfoForEstateMenuArgs
struct  SpawnPoint
class  RegionSettings
class  RegistryCore
class  RequestAssetArgs
class  RestClient
 Implementation of a generic REST client More...
class  SimpleAsyncResult
class  AsyncResult< T >
class  SimStats
 Enapsulate statistics for a simulator/scene. More...
class  SLUtil
class  SurfaceTouchEventArgs
class  TaskInventoryDictionary
 A dictionary containing task inventory items. Indexed by item UUID. More...
class  TaskInventoryItem
 Represents an item in a task inventory More...
class  TerrainData
class  HeightmapTerrainData
class  TextureRequestArgs
class  ThreadSafeRandom
 A thread-safe Random since the .NET version is not. See More...
class  UpdateShapeArgs
class  UserAgentData
 Information about a users session More...
class  UserProfileData
 Information about a particular user known to the userserver More...
class  UserClassifiedAdd
class  UserProfileProperties
class  UserProfilePick
class  UserProfileNotes
class  UserPreferences
class  UserAccountProperties
class  UserAccountAuth
class  UserAppData
class  STPInfo
 Class for delivering SmartThreadPool statistical information More...
class  Util
 Miscellaneous utility functions
class  BetterRandom
class  ViewerEffectEventHandlerArg
class  WearableCacheItem
class  WebUtil
 Miscellaneous static methods and extension methods related to the web
class  AsynchronousRestObjectRequester
class  SynchronousRestFormsRequester
class  SynchronousRestObjectRequester
class  XMLRPCRequester
interface  ICallingCardModule
interface  IProfileModule
interface  ISearchModule


enum  AssetFlags : int { AssetFlags.Normal = 0, AssetFlags.Maptile = 1, AssetFlags.Rewritable = 2, AssetFlags.Collectable = 4 }
enum  CacheStrategy { CacheStrategy.Conservative = 0, CacheStrategy.Balanced = 1, CacheStrategy.Aggressive = 2 }
enum  CacheMedium { CacheMedium.Memory = 0, CacheMedium.File = 1 }
enum  CacheFlags { CacheFlags.CacheMissing = 1, CacheFlags.AllowUpdate = 2 }
enum  ChatTypeEnum {
  ChatTypeEnum.Whisper = 0, ChatTypeEnum.Say = 1, ChatTypeEnum.Shout = 2, ChatTypeEnum.StartTyping = 4,
  ChatTypeEnum.StopTyping = 5, ChatTypeEnum.DebugChannel = 6, ChatTypeEnum.Region = 7, ChatTypeEnum.Owner = 8,
  ChatTypeEnum.Broadcast = 0xFF
enum  CustomAssetType : sbyte { CustomAssetType.CustomTypeBase = 0x60, CustomAssetType.AnimationSet = 0x60 }
enum  CustomInventoryType : sbyte { CustomInventoryType.CustomTypeBase = 0x60, CustomInventoryType.AnimationSet = 0x60 }
enum  EventDataFlags { EventDataFlags.Mature = 1 << 0 }
enum  PhysShapeType : byte { PhysShapeType.prim = 0, PhysShapeType.none = 1, PhysShapeType.convex = 2, PhysShapeType.invalid = 255 }
enum  PrimUpdateFlags : uint {
  PrimUpdateFlags.None = 0, PrimUpdateFlags.AttachmentPoint = 1 << 0, PrimUpdateFlags.Material = 1 << 1, PrimUpdateFlags.ClickAction = 1 << 2,
  PrimUpdateFlags.Scale = 1 << 3, PrimUpdateFlags.ParentID = 1 << 4, PrimUpdateFlags.PrimFlags = 1 << 5, PrimUpdateFlags.PrimData = 1 << 6,
  PrimUpdateFlags.MediaURL = 1 << 7, PrimUpdateFlags.ScratchPad = 1 << 8, PrimUpdateFlags.Textures = 1 << 9, PrimUpdateFlags.TextureAnim = 1 << 10,
  PrimUpdateFlags.NameValue = 1 << 11, PrimUpdateFlags.Position = 1 << 12, PrimUpdateFlags.Rotation = 1 << 13, PrimUpdateFlags.Velocity = 1 << 14,
  PrimUpdateFlags.Acceleration = 1 << 15, PrimUpdateFlags.AngularVelocity = 1 << 16, PrimUpdateFlags.CollisionPlane = 1 << 17, PrimUpdateFlags.Text = 1 << 18,
  PrimUpdateFlags.Particles = 1 << 19, PrimUpdateFlags.ExtraData = 1 << 20, PrimUpdateFlags.Sound = 1 << 21, PrimUpdateFlags.Joint = 1 << 22,
  PrimUpdateFlags.FullUpdate = UInt32.MaxValue
 Specifies the fields that have been changed when sending a prim or avatar update More...
enum  RegionStatus : int { RegionStatus.Down = 0, RegionStatus.Up = 1, RegionStatus.Crashed = 2, RegionStatus.Starting = 3 }
enum  DeRezAction : byte {
  DeRezAction.SaveToExistingUserInventoryItem = 0, DeRezAction.TakeCopy = 1, DeRezAction.Take = 4, DeRezAction.GodTakeCopy = 5,
  DeRezAction.Delete = 6, DeRezAction.Return = 9
enum  LazyThreadSafetyMode { LazyThreadSafetyMode.None, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication }
enum  ObjectChangeType : uint {
  ObjectChangeType.Position = 0x01, ObjectChangeType.Rotation = 0x02, ObjectChangeType.Scale = 0x04, ObjectChangeType.Group = 0x08,
  ObjectChangeType.UniformScale = 0x10, ObjectChangeType.primP = 0x01, ObjectChangeType.primR = 0x02, ObjectChangeType.primPR = 0x03,
  ObjectChangeType.primS = 0x04, ObjectChangeType.primPS = 0x05, ObjectChangeType.primRS = 0x06, ObjectChangeType.primPSR = 0x07,
  ObjectChangeType.primUS = 0x14, ObjectChangeType.primPUS = 0x15, ObjectChangeType.primRUS = 0x16, ObjectChangeType.primPUSR = 0x17,
  ObjectChangeType.groupP = 0x09, ObjectChangeType.groupR = 0x0A, ObjectChangeType.groupPR = 0x0B, ObjectChangeType.groupS = 0x0C,
  ObjectChangeType.groupPS = 0x0D, ObjectChangeType.groupRS = 0x0E, ObjectChangeType.groupPSR = 0x0F, ObjectChangeType.groupUS = 0x1C,
  ObjectChangeType.groupPUS = 0x1D, ObjectChangeType.groupRUS = 0x1E, ObjectChangeType.groupPUSR = 0x1F, ObjectChangeType.PRSmask = 0x07
enum  ParcelMediaCommandEnum : int {
  ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Stop = 0, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Pause = 1, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Play = 2, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Loop = 3,
  ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Texture = 4, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Url = 5, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Time = 6, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Agent = 7,
  ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Unload = 8, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.AutoAlign = 9, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Type = 10, ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Size = 11,
  ParcelMediaCommandEnum.Desc = 12
enum  PresenceType { PresenceType.User, PresenceType.Npc }
 Indicate the type of ScenePresence. More...
enum  ProfileShape : byte {
  ProfileShape.Circle = 0, ProfileShape.Square = 1, ProfileShape.IsometricTriangle = 2, ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle = 3,
  ProfileShape.RightTriangle = 4, ProfileShape.HalfCircle = 5
enum  HollowShape : byte { HollowShape.Same = 0, HollowShape.Circle = 16, HollowShape.Square = 32, HollowShape.Triangle = 48 }
enum  PCodeEnum : byte {
  PCodeEnum.Primitive = 9, PCodeEnum.Avatar = 47, PCodeEnum.Grass = 95, PCodeEnum.NewTree = 111,
  PCodeEnum.ParticleSystem = 143, PCodeEnum.Tree = 255
enum  Extrusion : byte { Extrusion.Straight = 16, Extrusion.Curve1 = 32, Extrusion.Curve2 = 48, Extrusion.Flexible = 128 }
enum  RegionFlags : int {
  RegionFlags.DefaultRegion = 1, RegionFlags.FallbackRegion = 2, RegionFlags.RegionOnline = 4, RegionFlags.NoDirectLogin = 8,
  RegionFlags.Persistent = 16, RegionFlags.LockedOut = 32, RegionFlags.NoMove = 64, RegionFlags.Reservation = 128,
  RegionFlags.Authenticate = 256, RegionFlags.Hyperlink = 512, RegionFlags.DefaultHGRegion = 1024
 Region flags used internally by OpenSimulator to store installation specific information about regions. More...
enum  DBTerrainRevision {
  DBTerrainRevision.Legacy256 = 11, DBTerrainRevision.Variable2D = 22, DBTerrainRevision.Variable2DGzip = 23, DBTerrainRevision.Compressed2D = 27,
  DBTerrainRevision.RevisionHigh = 1234
enum  ThrottleOutPacketType : int {
  ThrottleOutPacketType.Unknown = -1, ThrottleOutPacketType.Resend = 0, ThrottleOutPacketType.Land = 1, ThrottleOutPacketType.Wind = 2,
  ThrottleOutPacketType.Cloud = 3, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task = 4, ThrottleOutPacketType.Texture = 5, ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset = 6,
  ThrottleOutPacketType.HighPriority = 128
enum  ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags {
  ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Land = 1 << 0, ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Wind = 1 << 1, ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Cloud = 1 << 2, ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Task = 1 << 3,
  ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Texture = 1 << 4, ThrottleOutPacketTypeFlags.Asset = 1 << 5
enum  PermissionMask : uint {
  PermissionMask.None = 0, PermissionMask.foldedTransfer = 1, PermissionMask.foldedModify = 1 << 1, PermissionMask.foldedCopy = 1 << 2,
  PermissionMask.foldedMask = 0x07, PermissionMask.Transfer = 1 << 13, PermissionMask.Modify = 1 << 14, PermissionMask.Copy = 1 << 15,
  PermissionMask.Export = 1 << 16, PermissionMask.Move = 1 << 19, PermissionMask.Damage = 1 << 20, PermissionMask.All = (1 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15) | (1 << 19)
enum  FireAndForgetMethod {
  FireAndForgetMethod.None, FireAndForgetMethod.RegressionTest, FireAndForgetMethod.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem, FireAndForgetMethod.QueueUserWorkItem,
  FireAndForgetMethod.BeginInvoke, FireAndForgetMethod.SmartThreadPool, FireAndForgetMethod.Thread
 The method used by Util.FireAndForget for asynchronously firing events More...


delegate bool AnimationSetValidator (UUID animID)
delegate Object FetchDelegate (string index)
delegate bool ExpireDelegate (string index)
delegate void ViewerEffectEventHandler (IClientAPI sender, List< ViewerEffectEventHandlerArg > args)
delegate void ChatMessage (Object sender, OSChatMessage e)
delegate void GenericMessage (Object sender, string method, List< String > args)
delegate void TextureRequest (Object sender, TextureRequestArgs e)
delegate void AvatarNowWearing (IClientAPI sender, AvatarWearingArgs e)
delegate void ImprovedInstantMessage (IClientAPI remoteclient, GridInstantMessage im)
delegate void RezObject (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte BypassRayCast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool RezSelected, bool RemoveItem, UUID fromTaskID)
delegate void RezRestoreToWorld (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemId)
delegate ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInv (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt)
delegate void RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< KeyValuePair< UUID, uint >> rezlist)
delegate void ObjectAttach (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint objectLocalID, uint AttachmentPt, bool silent)
delegate void ModifyTerrain (UUID user, float height, float seconds, byte size, byte action, float north, float west, float south, float east, UUID agentId)
delegate void NetworkStats (int inPackets, int outPackets, int unAckedBytes)
delegate void SetAppearance (IClientAPI remoteClient, Primitive.TextureEntry textureEntry, byte[] visualParams, Vector3 AvSize, WearableCacheItem[] CacheItems)
delegate void CachedTextureRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, int serial, List< CachedTextureRequestArg > cachedTextureRequest)
delegate void StartAnim (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID)
delegate void StopAnim (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID)
delegate void ChangeAnim (UUID animID, bool addOrRemove, bool sendPack)
delegate void LinkObjects (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint parent, List< uint > children)
delegate void DelinkObjects (List< uint > primIds, IClientAPI client)
delegate void RequestMapBlocks (IClientAPI remoteClient, int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, uint flag)
delegate void RequestMapName (IClientAPI remoteClient, string mapName, uint flags)
delegate void TeleportLocationRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint flags)
delegate void TeleportLandmarkRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, AssetLandmark lm)
delegate void TeleportCancel (IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void DisconnectUser ()
delegate void RequestAvatarProperties (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID avatarID)
delegate void UpdateAvatarProperties (IClientAPI remoteClient, UserProfileData ProfileData)
delegate void SetAlwaysRun (IClientAPI remoteClient, bool SetAlwaysRun)
delegate void GenericCall1 (IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void GenericCall2 ()
delegate void GenericCall4 (Packet packet, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void DeRezObject (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< uint > localIDs, UUID groupID, DeRezAction action, UUID destinationID)
delegate void GenericCall5 (IClientAPI remoteClient, bool status)
delegate void GenericCall7 (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID, string message)
delegate void UpdateShape (UUID agentID, uint localID, UpdateShapeArgs shapeBlock)
delegate void ObjectExtraParams (UUID agentID, uint localID, ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data)
delegate void ObjectSelect (uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void ObjectRequest (uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void RequestObjectPropertiesFamily (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID AgentID, uint RequestFlags, UUID TaskID)
delegate void ObjectDeselect (uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void ObjectDrop (uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimFlags (uint localID, bool UsePhysics, bool IsTemporary, bool IsPhantom, ExtraPhysicsData PhysData, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimTexture (uint localID, byte[] texture, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdateVector (uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void ClientChangeObject (uint localID, object data, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimRotation (uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimSingleRotation (uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimSingleRotationPosition (uint localID, Quaternion rot, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void UpdatePrimGroupRotation (uint localID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void ObjectDuplicate (uint localID, Vector3 offset, uint dupeFlags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID)
delegate void ObjectDuplicateOnRay (uint localID, uint dupeFlags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, UUID RayTargetObj, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, bool BypassRaycast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool CopyCenters, bool CopyRotates)
delegate void StatusChange (bool status)
delegate void NewAvatar (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, bool status)
delegate void UpdateAgent (IClientAPI remoteClient, AgentUpdateArgs agentData)
delegate void AgentRequestSit (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID targetID, Vector3 offset)
delegate void AgentSit (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID)
delegate void LandUndo (IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void AvatarPickerRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentdata, UUID queryID, string UserQuery)
delegate void GrabObject (uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs > surfaceArgs)
delegate void DeGrabObject (uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient, List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs > surfaceArgs)
delegate void MoveObject (UUID objectID, Vector3 offset, Vector3 grapPos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs > surfaceArgs)
delegate void SpinStart (UUID objectID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void SpinObject (UUID objectID, Quaternion rotation, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void SpinStop (UUID objectID, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void ParcelAccessListRequest (UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, uint flags, int sequenceID, int landLocalID, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelAccessListUpdateRequest (UUID agentID, uint flags, int landLocalID, UUID transactionID, int sequenceID, int sections, List< LandAccessEntry > entries, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelPropertiesRequest (int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, int sequence_id, bool snap_selection, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelDivideRequest (int west, int south, int east, int north, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelJoinRequest (int west, int south, int east, int north, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelPropertiesUpdateRequest (LandUpdateArgs args, int local_id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelSelectObjects (int land_local_id, int request_type, List< UUID > returnIDs, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelObjectOwnerRequest (int local_id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelAbandonRequest (int local_id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelGodForceOwner (int local_id, UUID ownerID, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelReclaim (int local_id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelReturnObjectsRequest (int local_id, uint return_type, UUID[] agent_ids, UUID[] selected_ids, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void ParcelDeedToGroup (int local_id, UUID group_id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void EstateOwnerMessageRequest (UUID AgentID, UUID SessionID, UUID TransactionID, UUID Invoice, byte[] Method, byte[][] Parameters, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void RegionInfoRequest (IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void EstateCovenantRequest (IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void UUIDNameRequest (UUID id, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void AddNewPrim (UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 RayEnd, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, byte bypassRaycast, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte RayEndIsIntersection)
delegate void RequestGodlikePowers (UUID AgentID, UUID SessionID, UUID token, bool GodLike, IClientAPI remote_client)
delegate void GodKickUser (UUID GodAgentID, UUID GodSessionID, UUID AgentID, uint kickflags, byte[] reason)
delegate void CreateInventoryFolder (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort folderType, string folderName, UUID parentID)
delegate void UpdateInventoryFolder (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort type, string name, UUID parentID)
delegate void MoveInventoryFolder (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID parentID)
delegate void CreateNewInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transActionID, UUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte type, byte wearableType, uint nextOwnerMask, int creationDate)
delegate void LinkInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transActionID, UUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte type, UUID olditemID)
delegate void FetchInventoryDescendents (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder)
delegate void PurgeInventoryDescendents (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID)
delegate void FetchInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, UUID ownerID)
delegate void RequestTaskInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID)
delegate void UpdateInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID itemID, InventoryItemBase itemUpd)
delegate void CopyInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint callbackID, UUID oldAgentID, UUID oldItemID, UUID newFolderID, string newName)
delegate void MoveInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< InventoryItemBase > items)
delegate void MoveItemsAndLeaveCopy (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< InventoryItemBase > items, UUID destFolder)
delegate void RemoveInventoryItem (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< UUID > itemIDs)
delegate void RemoveInventoryFolder (IClientAPI remoteClient, List< UUID > folderIDs)
delegate void RequestAsset (IClientAPI remoteClient, RequestAssetArgs transferRequest)
delegate void AbortXfer (IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong xferID)
delegate void RezScript (IClientAPI remoteClient, InventoryItemBase item, UUID transactionID, uint localID)
delegate void UpdateTaskInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, TaskInventoryItem item, uint localID)
delegate void MoveTaskInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, uint localID, UUID itemID)
delegate void RemoveTaskInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint localID)
delegate void UDPAssetUploadRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID assetID, UUID transaction, sbyte type, byte[] data, bool storeLocal, bool tempFile)
delegate void XferReceive (IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong xferID, uint packetID, byte[] data)
delegate void RequestXfer (IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong xferID, string fileName)
delegate void ConfirmXfer (IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong xferID, uint packetID)
delegate void FriendActionDelegate (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, List< UUID > callingCardFolders)
delegate void FriendshipTermination (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID ExID)
delegate void MoneyTransferRequest (UUID sourceID, UUID destID, int amount, int transactionType, string description)
delegate void ParcelBuy (UUID agentId, UUID groupId, bool final, bool groupOwned, bool removeContribution, int parcelLocalID, int parcelArea, int parcelPrice, bool authenticated)
delegate void MoneyBalanceRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID TransactionID)
delegate void ObjectPermissions (IClientAPI controller, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, byte field, uint localId, uint mask, byte set)
delegate void EconomyDataRequest (IClientAPI client)
delegate void ObjectIncludeInSearch (IClientAPI remoteClient, bool IncludeInSearch, uint localID)
delegate void ScriptAnswer (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID, int answer)
delegate void RequestPayPrice (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID)
delegate void ObjectSaleInfo (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, uint localID, byte saleType, int salePrice)
delegate void ObjectBuy (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID groupID, UUID categoryID, uint localID, byte saleType, int salePrice)
delegate void BuyObjectInventory (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID objectID, UUID itemID, UUID folderID)
delegate void ForceReleaseControls (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID)
delegate void GodLandStatRequest (int parcelID, uint reportType, uint requestflags, string filter, IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void DetailedEstateDataRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice)
delegate void SetEstateFlagsRequest (bool blockTerraform, bool noFly, bool allowDamage, bool blockLandResell, int maxAgents, float objectBonusFactor, int matureLevel, bool restrictPushObject, bool allowParcelChanges)
delegate void SetEstateTerrainBaseTexture (IClientAPI remoteClient, int corner, UUID side)
delegate void SetEstateTerrainDetailTexture (IClientAPI remoteClient, int corner, UUID side)
delegate void SetEstateTerrainTextureHeights (IClientAPI remoteClient, int corner, float lowVal, float highVal)
delegate void CommitEstateTerrainTextureRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void SetRegionTerrainSettings (float waterHeight, float terrainRaiseLimit, float terrainLowerLimit, bool estateSun, bool fixedSun, float sunHour, bool globalSun, bool estateFixed, float estateSunHour)
delegate void EstateChangeInfo (IClientAPI client, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, UInt32 param1, UInt32 param2)
delegate void EstateManageTelehub (IClientAPI client, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, string cmd, UInt32 param1)
delegate void RequestTerrain (IClientAPI remoteClient, string clientFileName)
delegate void BakeTerrain (IClientAPI remoteClient)
delegate void EstateRestartSimRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, int secondsTilReboot)
delegate void EstateChangeCovenantRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID newCovenantID)
delegate void UpdateEstateAccessDeltaRequest (IClientAPI remote_client, UUID invoice, int estateAccessType, UUID user)
delegate void SimulatorBlueBoxMessageRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, UUID sessionID, string senderName, string message)
delegate void EstateBlueBoxMessageRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, UUID sessionID, string senderName, string message)
delegate void EstateDebugRegionRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, bool scripted, bool collisionEvents, bool physics)
delegate void EstateTeleportOneUserHomeRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice, UUID senderID, UUID prey)
delegate void EstateTeleportAllUsersHomeRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID invoice, UUID senderID)
delegate void RegionHandleRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID regionID)
delegate void ParcelInfoRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID parcelID)
delegate void ScriptReset (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID)
delegate void GetScriptRunning (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID)
delegate void SetScriptRunning (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID, bool running)
delegate void ActivateGesture (IClientAPI client, UUID gestureid, UUID assetId)
delegate void DeactivateGesture (IClientAPI client, UUID gestureid)
delegate void TerrainUnacked (IClientAPI remoteClient, int patchX, int patchY)
delegate void ObjectOwner (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, List< uint > localIDs)
delegate void DirPlacesQuery (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, string queryText, int queryFlags, int category, string simName, int queryStart)
delegate void DirFindQuery (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
delegate void DirLandQuery (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, uint queryFlags, uint searchType, int price, int area, int queryStart)
delegate void DirPopularQuery (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, uint queryFlags)
delegate void DirClassifiedQuery (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, string queryText, uint queryFlags, uint category, int queryStart)
delegate void EventInfoRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint eventID)
delegate void ParcelSetOtherCleanTime (IClientAPI remoteClient, int localID, int otherCleanTime)
delegate void MapItemRequest (IClientAPI remoteClient, uint flags, uint EstateID, bool godlike, uint itemtype, ulong regionhandle)
delegate void OfferCallingCard (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID destID, UUID transactionID)
delegate void AcceptCallingCard (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID folderID)
delegate void DeclineCallingCard (IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID)
delegate void SoundTrigger (UUID soundId, UUID ownerid, UUID objid, UUID parentid, double Gain, Vector3 Position, UInt64 Handle, float radius)
delegate void StartLure (byte lureType, string message, UUID targetID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void TeleportLureRequest (UUID lureID, uint teleportFlags, IClientAPI client)
delegate void ClassifiedInfoRequest (UUID classifiedID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void ClassifiedInfoUpdate (UUID classifiedID, uint category, string name, string description, UUID parcelID, uint parentEstate, UUID snapshotID, Vector3 globalPos, byte classifiedFlags, int price, IClientAPI client)
delegate void ClassifiedDelete (UUID classifiedID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void ClassifiedGodDelete (UUID classifiedID, UUID queryID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void EventNotificationAddRequest (uint EventID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void EventNotificationRemoveRequest (uint EventID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void EventGodDelete (uint eventID, UUID queryID, string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart, IClientAPI client)
delegate void ParcelDwellRequest (int localID, IClientAPI client)
delegate void UserInfoRequest (IClientAPI client)
delegate void UpdateUserInfo (bool imViaEmail, bool visible, IClientAPI client)
delegate void RetrieveInstantMessages (IClientAPI client)
delegate void PickDelete (IClientAPI client, UUID pickID)
delegate void PickGodDelete (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID pickID, UUID queryID)
delegate void PickInfoUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID pickID, UUID creatorID, bool topPick, string name, string desc, UUID snapshotID, int sortOrder, bool enabled)
delegate void AvatarNotesUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID targetID, string notes)
delegate void MuteListRequest (IClientAPI client, uint muteCRC)
delegate void AvatarInterestUpdate (IClientAPI client, uint wantmask, string wanttext, uint skillsmask, string skillstext, string languages)
delegate void GrantUserFriendRights (IClientAPI client, UUID target, int rights)
delegate void PlacesQuery (UUID QueryID, UUID TransactionID, string QueryText, uint QueryFlags, byte Category, string SimName, IClientAPI client)
delegate void AgentFOV (IClientAPI client, float verticalAngle)
delegate void MuteListEntryUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID MuteID, string Name, int type, uint flags)
delegate void MuteListEntryRemove (IClientAPI client, UUID MuteID, string Name)
delegate void AvatarInterestReply (IClientAPI client, UUID target, uint wantmask, string wanttext, uint skillsmask, string skillstext, string languages)
delegate void FindAgentUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID hunter, UUID target)
delegate void TrackAgentUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID hunter, UUID target)
delegate void FreezeUserUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID parcelowner, uint flags, UUID target)
delegate void EjectUserUpdate (IClientAPI client, UUID parcelowner, uint flags, UUID target)
delegate void NewUserReport (IClientAPI client, string regionName, UUID abuserID, byte catagory, byte checkflags, string details, UUID objectID, Vector3 postion, byte reportType, UUID screenshotID, string Summary, UUID reporter)
delegate void GodUpdateRegionInfoUpdate (IClientAPI client, float BillableFactor, ulong EstateID, ulong RegionFlags, byte[] SimName, int RedirectX, int RedirectY)
delegate void GodlikeMessage (IClientAPI client, UUID requester, byte[] Method, byte[] Parameter)
delegate void SaveStateHandler (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID)
delegate void GroupAccountSummaryRequest (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID groupID)
delegate void GroupAccountDetailsRequest (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID groupID, UUID transactionID, UUID sessionID)
delegate void GroupAccountTransactionsRequest (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID groupID, UUID transactionID, UUID sessionID)
delegate void ParcelBuyPass (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, int ParcelLocalID)
delegate void ParcelGodMark (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, int ParcelLocalID)
delegate void GroupActiveProposalsRequest (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID groupID, UUID transactionID, UUID sessionID)
delegate void GroupVoteHistoryRequest (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID groupID, UUID transactionID, UUID sessionID)
delegate void SimWideDeletesDelegate (IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, int flags, UUID targetID)
delegate void SendPostcard (IClientAPI client)
delegate void ChangeInventoryItemFlags (IClientAPI client, UUID itemID, uint flags)
delegate void CommandDelegate (string module, string[] cmd)
delegate void OnOutputDelegate (string message)
delegate int overrideParcelMaxPrimCountDelegate (ILandObject obj)
delegate int overrideSimulatorMaxPrimCountDelegate (ILandObject obj)
delegate void ObjectPaid (UUID objectID, UUID agentID, int amount)
delegate void NewRegionCreated (IScene scene)
delegate void restart (RegionInfo thisRegion)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 37 of file AssetBase.cs.


Definition at line 60 of file Cache.cs.


Definition at line 54 of file Cache.cs.


Definition at line 45 of file Cache.cs.


Definition at line 30 of file ChatTypeEnum.cs.


Definition at line 32 of file CustomTypes.cs.


Definition at line 38 of file CustomTypes.cs.


Definition at line 95 of file TerrainData.cs.

Indicate what action to take on an object derez request


Definition at line 47 of file IScene.cs.


Definition at line 32 of file EventData.cs.


Definition at line 71 of file PrimitiveBaseShape.cs.

The method used by Util.FireAndForget for asynchronously firing events

None is used to execute the method in the same thread that made the call. It should only be used by regression test code that relies on predictable event ordering. RegressionTest is used by regression tests. It fires the call synchronously and does not catch any exceptions.


Definition at line 92 of file Util.cs.


Definition at line 53 of file PrimitiveBaseShape.cs.


Definition at line 39 of file Lazy.cs.


Definition at line 32 of file ObjectChangeData.cs.


Definition at line 30 of file ParcelMediaCommandEnum.cs.


Definition at line 61 of file PrimitiveBaseShape.cs.


Definition at line 61 of file Util.cs.


Definition at line 32 of file ExtraPhysicsData.cs.

Indicate the type of ScenePresence.


Definition at line 34 of file PresenceType.cs.

Specifies the fields that have been changed when sending a prim or avatar update


Definition at line 677 of file IClientAPI.cs.


Definition at line 43 of file PrimitiveBaseShape.cs.

Region flags used internally by OpenSimulator to store installation specific information about regions.

Don't confuse with OpenMetaverse.RegionFlags which are client facing flags (i.e. they go over the wire). Returned by IGridService.GetRegionFlags()


Definition at line 40 of file RegionFlags.cs.


Definition at line 36 of file IScene.cs.


Unthrottled packets


Packets that are being resent


Terrain data


Wind data


Cloud data


Any packets that do not fit into the other throttles


Texture assets


Non-texture assets


Definition at line 32 of file ThrottleOutPacketType.cs.


Definition at line 55 of file ThrottleOutPacketType.cs.

Function Documentation

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AbortXfer ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
ulong  xferID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AcceptCallingCard ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  folderID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ActivateGesture ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  gestureid,
UUID  assetId 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AddNewPrim ( UUID  ownerID,
UUID  groupID,
Vector3  RayEnd,
Quaternion  rot,
PrimitiveBaseShape  shape,
byte  bypassRaycast,
Vector3  RayStart,
UUID  RayTargetID,
byte  RayEndIsIntersection 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AgentFOV ( IClientAPI  client,
float  verticalAngle 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AgentRequestSit ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  targetID,
Vector3  offset 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AgentSit ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.AnimationSetValidator ( UUID  animID)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AvatarInterestReply ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  target,
uint  wantmask,
string  wanttext,
uint  skillsmask,
string  skillstext,
string  languages 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AvatarInterestUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
uint  wantmask,
string  wanttext,
uint  skillsmask,
string  skillstext,
string  languages 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AvatarNotesUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  targetID,
string  notes 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AvatarNowWearing ( IClientAPI  sender,
AvatarWearingArgs  e 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.AvatarPickerRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentdata,
UUID  queryID,
string  UserQuery 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.BakeTerrain ( IClientAPI  remoteClient)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.BuyObjectInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
UUID  objectID,
UUID  itemID,
UUID  folderID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CachedTextureRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  serial,
List< CachedTextureRequestArg >  cachedTextureRequest 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ChangeAnim ( UUID  animID,
bool  addOrRemove,
bool  sendPack 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ChangeInventoryItemFlags ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  itemID,
uint  flags 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ChatMessage ( Object  sender,
OSChatMessage  e 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ClassifiedDelete ( UUID  classifiedID,
IClientAPI  client 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ClassifiedGodDelete ( UUID  classifiedID,
UUID  queryID,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ClassifiedInfoRequest ( UUID  classifiedID,
IClientAPI  client 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ClassifiedInfoUpdate ( UUID  classifiedID,
uint  category,
string  name,
string  description,
UUID  parcelID,
uint  parentEstate,
UUID  snapshotID,
Vector3  globalPos,
byte  classifiedFlags,
int  price,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ClientChangeObject ( uint  localID,
object  data,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CommandDelegate ( string  module,
string[]  cmd 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CommitEstateTerrainTextureRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ConfirmXfer ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
ulong  xferID,
uint  packetID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CopyInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  callbackID,
UUID  oldAgentID,
UUID  oldItemID,
UUID  newFolderID,
string  newName 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CreateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID,
ushort  folderType,
string  folderName,
UUID  parentID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.CreateNewInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transActionID,
UUID  folderID,
uint  callbackID,
string  description,
string  name,
sbyte  invType,
sbyte  type,
byte  wearableType,
uint  nextOwnerMask,
int  creationDate 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DeactivateGesture ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  gestureid 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DeclineCallingCard ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transactionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DeGrabObject ( uint  localID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs >  surfaceArgs 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DelinkObjects ( List< uint >  primIds,
IClientAPI  client 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DeRezObject ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< uint >  localIDs,
UUID  groupID,
DeRezAction  action,
UUID  destinationID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DetailedEstateDataRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DirClassifiedQuery ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  queryID,
string  queryText,
uint  queryFlags,
uint  category,
int  queryStart 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DirFindQuery ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  queryID,
string  queryText,
uint  queryFlags,
int  queryStart 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DirLandQuery ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  queryID,
uint  queryFlags,
uint  searchType,
int  price,
int  area,
int  queryStart 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DirPlacesQuery ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  queryID,
string  queryText,
int  queryFlags,
int  category,
string  simName,
int  queryStart 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DirPopularQuery ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  queryID,
uint  queryFlags 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.DisconnectUser ( )
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EconomyDataRequest ( IClientAPI  client)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EjectUserUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  parcelowner,
uint  flags,
UUID  target 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateBlueBoxMessageRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
UUID  sessionID,
string  senderName,
string  message 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateChangeCovenantRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  newCovenantID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateChangeInfo ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
UInt32  param1,
UInt32  param2 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateCovenantRequest ( IClientAPI  remote_client)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateDebugRegionRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
bool  scripted,
bool  collisionEvents,
bool  physics 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateManageTelehub ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
string  cmd,
UInt32  param1 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateOwnerMessageRequest ( UUID  AgentID,
UUID  SessionID,
UUID  TransactionID,
UUID  Invoice,
byte[]  Method,
byte  Parameters[][],
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateRestartSimRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  secondsTilReboot 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateTeleportAllUsersHomeRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EstateTeleportOneUserHomeRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
UUID  prey 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EventGodDelete ( uint  eventID,
UUID  queryID,
string  queryText,
uint  queryFlags,
int  queryStart,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EventInfoRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  eventID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EventNotificationAddRequest ( uint  EventID,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.EventNotificationRemoveRequest ( uint  EventID,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.ExpireDelegate ( string  index)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate Object OpenSim.Framework.FetchDelegate ( string  index)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FetchInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  itemID,
UUID  ownerID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FetchInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID,
UUID  ownerID,
bool  fetchFolders,
bool  fetchItems,
int  sortOrder 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FindAgentUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  hunter,
UUID  target 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ForceReleaseControls ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FreezeUserUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  parcelowner,
uint  flags,
UUID  target 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FriendActionDelegate ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transactionID,
List< UUID >  callingCardFolders 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.FriendshipTermination ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericCall1 ( IClientAPI  remoteClient)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericCall2 ( )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericCall4 ( Packet  packet,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericCall5 ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
bool  status 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericCall7 ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  localID,
string  message 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GenericMessage ( Object  sender,
string  method,
List< String >  args 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  objectID,
UUID  itemID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GodKickUser ( UUID  GodAgentID,
UUID  GodSessionID,
UUID  AgentID,
uint  kickflags,
byte[]  reason 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GodLandStatRequest ( int  parcelID,
uint  reportType,
uint  requestflags,
string  filter,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GodlikeMessage ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  requester,
byte[]  Method,
byte[]  Parameter 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GodUpdateRegionInfoUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
float  BillableFactor,
ulong  EstateID,
ulong  RegionFlags,
byte[]  SimName,
int  RedirectX,
int  RedirectY 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GrabObject ( uint  localID,
Vector3  pos,
IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs >  surfaceArgs 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GrantUserFriendRights ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  target,
int  rights 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GroupAccountDetailsRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  groupID,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  sessionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GroupAccountSummaryRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  groupID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GroupAccountTransactionsRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  groupID,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  sessionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GroupActiveProposalsRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  groupID,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  sessionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.GroupVoteHistoryRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  groupID,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  sessionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ImprovedInstantMessage ( IClientAPI  remoteclient,
GridInstantMessage  im 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.LandUndo ( IClientAPI  remoteClient)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.LinkInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transActionID,
UUID  folderID,
uint  callbackID,
string  description,
string  name,
sbyte  invType,
sbyte  type,
UUID  olditemID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.LinkObjects ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  parent,
List< uint >  children 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MapItemRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  flags,
uint  EstateID,
bool  godlike,
uint  itemtype,
ulong  regionhandle 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ModifyTerrain ( UUID  user,
float  height,
float  seconds,
byte  size,
byte  action,
float  north,
float  west,
float  south,
float  east,
UUID  agentId 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoneyBalanceRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
UUID  TransactionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoneyTransferRequest ( UUID  sourceID,
UUID  destID,
int  amount,
int  transactionType,
string  description 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoveInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID,
UUID  parentID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< InventoryItemBase >  items 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoveItemsAndLeaveCopy ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< InventoryItemBase >  items,
UUID  destFolder 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoveObject ( UUID  objectID,
Vector3  offset,
Vector3  grapPos,
IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< SurfaceTouchEventArgs >  surfaceArgs 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MoveTaskInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID,
uint  localID,
UUID  itemID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MuteListEntryRemove ( IClientAPI  client,
string  Name 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MuteListEntryUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
string  Name,
int  type,
uint  flags 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.MuteListRequest ( IClientAPI  client,
uint  muteCRC 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.NetworkStats ( int  inPackets,
int  outPackets,
int  unAckedBytes 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.NewAvatar ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
bool  status 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.NewRegionCreated ( IScene  scene)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.NewUserReport ( IClientAPI  client,
string  regionName,
UUID  abuserID,
byte  catagory,
byte  checkflags,
string  details,
UUID  objectID,
Vector3  postion,
byte  reportType,
UUID  screenshotID,
string  Summary,
UUID  reporter 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectAttach ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  objectLocalID,
uint  AttachmentPt,
bool  silent 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectBuy ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
UUID  groupID,
UUID  categoryID,
uint  localID,
byte  saleType,
int  salePrice 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectDeselect ( uint  localID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectDrop ( uint  localID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectDuplicate ( uint  localID,
Vector3  offset,
uint  dupeFlags,
UUID  AgentID,
UUID  GroupID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectDuplicateOnRay ( uint  localID,
uint  dupeFlags,
UUID  AgentID,
UUID  GroupID,
UUID  RayTargetObj,
Vector3  RayEnd,
Vector3  RayStart,
bool  BypassRaycast,
bool  RayEndIsIntersection,
bool  CopyCenters,
bool  CopyRotates 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectExtraParams ( UUID  agentID,
uint  localID,
ushort  type,
bool  inUse,
byte[]  data 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectIncludeInSearch ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
bool  IncludeInSearch,
uint  localID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectOwner ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  ownerID,
UUID  groupID,
List< uint >  localIDs 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectPaid ( UUID  objectID,
UUID  agentID,
int  amount 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectPermissions ( IClientAPI  controller,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
byte  field,
uint  localId,
uint  mask,
byte  set 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectRequest ( uint  localID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectSaleInfo ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
uint  localID,
byte  saleType,
int  salePrice 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ObjectSelect ( uint  localID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.OfferCallingCard ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  destID,
UUID  transactionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.OnOutputDelegate ( string  message)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate int OpenSim.Framework.overrideParcelMaxPrimCountDelegate ( ILandObject  obj)
delegate int OpenSim.Framework.overrideSimulatorMaxPrimCountDelegate ( ILandObject  obj)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelAbandonRequest ( int  local_id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelAccessListRequest ( UUID  agentID,
UUID  sessionID,
uint  flags,
int  sequenceID,
int  landLocalID,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelAccessListUpdateRequest ( UUID  agentID,
uint  flags,
int  landLocalID,
UUID  transactionID,
int  sequenceID,
int  sections,
List< LandAccessEntry >  entries,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelBuy ( UUID  agentId,
UUID  groupId,
bool  final,
bool  groupOwned,
bool  removeContribution,
int  parcelLocalID,
int  parcelArea,
int  parcelPrice,
bool  authenticated 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelBuyPass ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
int  ParcelLocalID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelDeedToGroup ( int  local_id,
UUID  group_id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelDivideRequest ( int  west,
int  south,
int  east,
int  north,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelDwellRequest ( int  localID,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelGodForceOwner ( int  local_id,
UUID  ownerID,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelGodMark ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
int  ParcelLocalID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelInfoRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  parcelID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelJoinRequest ( int  west,
int  south,
int  east,
int  north,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelObjectOwnerRequest ( int  local_id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelPropertiesRequest ( int  start_x,
int  start_y,
int  end_x,
int  end_y,
int  sequence_id,
bool  snap_selection,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelPropertiesUpdateRequest ( LandUpdateArgs  args,
int  local_id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelReclaim ( int  local_id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelReturnObjectsRequest ( int  local_id,
uint  return_type,
UUID[]  agent_ids,
UUID[]  selected_ids,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelSelectObjects ( int  land_local_id,
int  request_type,
List< UUID >  returnIDs,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ParcelSetOtherCleanTime ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  localID,
int  otherCleanTime 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.PickDelete ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  pickID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.PickGodDelete ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
UUID  pickID,
UUID  queryID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.PickInfoUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  pickID,
UUID  creatorID,
bool  topPick,
string  name,
string  desc,
UUID  snapshotID,
int  sortOrder,
bool  enabled 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.PlacesQuery ( UUID  QueryID,
UUID  TransactionID,
string  QueryText,
uint  QueryFlags,
byte  Category,
string  SimName,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.PurgeInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RegionHandleRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  regionID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfoRequest ( IClientAPI  remote_client)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RemoveInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< UUID >  folderIDs 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RemoveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< UUID >  itemIDs 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RemoveTaskInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  itemID,
uint  localID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestAsset ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
RequestAssetArgs  transferRequest 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestAvatarProperties ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  avatarID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestGodlikePowers ( UUID  AgentID,
UUID  SessionID,
UUID  token,
bool  GodLike,
IClientAPI  remote_client 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestMapBlocks ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  minX,
int  minY,
int  maxX,
int  maxY,
uint  flag 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestMapName ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
string  mapName,
uint  flags 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestObjectPropertiesFamily ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  AgentID,
uint  RequestFlags,

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestPayPrice ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  objectID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestTaskInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
uint  localID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestTerrain ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
string  clientFileName 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RequestXfer ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
ulong  xferID,
string  fileName 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.restart ( RegionInfo  thisRegion)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RetrieveInstantMessages ( IClientAPI  client)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
List< KeyValuePair< UUID, uint >>  rezlist 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RezObject ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  itemID,
Vector3  RayEnd,
Vector3  RayStart,
UUID  RayTargetID,
byte  BypassRayCast,
bool  RayEndIsIntersection,
bool  RezSelected,
bool  RemoveItem,
UUID  fromTaskID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RezRestoreToWorld ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  itemId 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.RezScript ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
InventoryItemBase  item,
UUID  transactionID,
uint  localID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate ISceneEntity OpenSim.Framework.RezSingleAttachmentFromInv ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  itemID,
uint  AttachmentPt 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SaveStateHandler ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ScriptAnswer ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  objectID,
UUID  itemID,
int  answer 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ScriptReset ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  objectID,
UUID  itemID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SendPostcard ( IClientAPI  client)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetAlwaysRun ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
bool  SetAlwaysRun 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetAppearance ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
Primitive.TextureEntry  textureEntry,
byte[]  visualParams,
Vector3  AvSize,
WearableCacheItem[]  CacheItems 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetEstateFlagsRequest ( bool  blockTerraform,
bool  noFly,
bool  allowDamage,
bool  blockLandResell,
int  maxAgents,
float  objectBonusFactor,
int  matureLevel,
bool  restrictPushObject,
bool  allowParcelChanges 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetEstateTerrainBaseTexture ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  corner,
UUID  side 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetEstateTerrainDetailTexture ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  corner,
UUID  side 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetEstateTerrainTextureHeights ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  corner,
float  lowVal,
float  highVal 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetRegionTerrainSettings ( float  waterHeight,
float  terrainRaiseLimit,
float  terrainLowerLimit,
bool  estateSun,
bool  fixedSun,
float  sunHour,
bool  globalSun,
bool  estateFixed,
float  estateSunHour 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  objectID,
UUID  itemID,
bool  running 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SimulatorBlueBoxMessageRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  invoice,
UUID  senderID,
UUID  sessionID,
string  senderName,
string  message 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SimWideDeletesDelegate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  agentID,
int  flags,
UUID  targetID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SoundTrigger ( UUID  soundId,
UUID  ownerid,
UUID  objid,
UUID  parentid,
double  Gain,
Vector3  Position,
UInt64  Handle,
float  radius 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SpinObject ( UUID  objectID,
Quaternion  rotation,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SpinStart ( UUID  objectID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.SpinStop ( UUID  objectID,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.StartAnim ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  animID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.StartLure ( byte  lureType,
string  message,
UUID  targetID,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.StatusChange ( bool  status)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.StopAnim ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  animID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TeleportCancel ( IClientAPI  remoteClient)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TeleportLandmarkRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
AssetLandmark  lm 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TeleportLocationRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
ulong  regionHandle,
Vector3  position,
Vector3  lookAt,
uint  flags 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TeleportLureRequest ( UUID  lureID,
uint  teleportFlags,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TerrainUnacked ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
int  patchX,
int  patchY 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TextureRequest ( Object  sender,
TextureRequestArgs  e 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.TrackAgentUpdate ( IClientAPI  client,
UUID  hunter,
UUID  target 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UDPAssetUploadRequest ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  assetID,
UUID  transaction,
sbyte  type,
byte[]  data,
bool  storeLocal,
bool  tempFile 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateAgent ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
AgentUpdateArgs  agentData 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateAvatarProperties ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UserProfileData  ProfileData 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateEstateAccessDeltaRequest ( IClientAPI  remote_client,
UUID  invoice,
int  estateAccessType,
UUID  user 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  folderID,
ushort  type,
string  name,
UUID  parentID 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateInventoryItem ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transactionID,
UUID  itemID,
InventoryItemBase  itemUpd 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimFlags ( uint  localID,
bool  UsePhysics,
bool  IsTemporary,
bool  IsPhantom,
ExtraPhysicsData  PhysData,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimGroupRotation ( uint  localID,
Vector3  pos,
Quaternion  rot,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimRotation ( uint  localID,
Quaternion  rot,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimSingleRotation ( uint  localID,
Quaternion  rot,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimSingleRotationPosition ( uint  localID,
Quaternion  rot,
Vector3  pos,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdatePrimTexture ( uint  localID,
byte[]  texture,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateShape ( UUID  agentID,
uint  localID,
UpdateShapeArgs  shapeBlock 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateTaskInventory ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
UUID  transactionID,
TaskInventoryItem  item,
uint  localID 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateUserInfo ( bool  imViaEmail,
bool  visible,
IClientAPI  client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UpdateVector ( uint  localID,
Vector3  pos,
IClientAPI  remoteClient 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UserInfoRequest ( IClientAPI  client)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.UUIDNameRequest ( UUID  id,
IClientAPI  remote_client 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.ViewerEffectEventHandler ( IClientAPI  sender,
List< ViewerEffectEventHandlerArg >  args 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.XferReceive ( IClientAPI  remoteClient,
ulong  xferID,
uint  packetID,
byte[]  data 