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Package OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer


class  BaseHTTPHandler
class  BaseHttpServer
class  HttpServerContextObj
class  HttpServerLogWriter
 Relays HttpServer log messages to our own logging mechanism. More...
class  BaseOutputStreamHandler
 Base handler for writing to an output stream More...
class  BaseRequestHandler
class  BaseStreamHandler
 Base streamed request handler. More...
class  BaseStreamHandlerBasicDOSProtector
 BaseStreamHandlerBasicDOSProtector Base streamed request handler. More...
class  BinaryStreamHandler
class  GenericHTTPDOSProtector
interface  IHttpAgentHandler
interface  IHttpServer
 Interface to OpenSimulator's built in HTTP server. Use this to register handlers (http, llsd, xmlrpc, etc.) for given URLs. More...
interface  IOSHttpRequest
interface  IOSHttpResponse
interface  IRequestHandler
interface  IStreamedRequestHandler
interface  IStreamHandler
interface  IGenericHTTPHandler
class  JsonRpcRequestManager
 Json rpc request manager. More...
class  ErrorCode
class  JsonRpcError
class  JsonRpcResponse
class  OSHttpHandler
class  OSHttpHttpHandler
class  OSHttpRequest
class  OSHttpRequestPump
 An OSHttpRequestPump fetches incoming OSHttpRequest objects from the OSHttpRequestQueue and feeds them to all subscribed parties. Each OSHttpRequestPump encapsulates one thread to do the work and there is a fixed number of pumps for each OSHttpServer object. More...
class  OSHttpRequestQueue
 OSHttpRequestQueues are used to hand over incoming HTTP requests to OSHttpRequestPump objects. More...
class  OSHttpResponse
 OSHttpResponse is the OpenSim representation of an HTTP response. More...
class  OSHttpServer
 OSHttpServer provides an HTTP server bound to a specific port. When instantiated with just address and port it uses normal HTTP, when instantiated with address, port, and X509 certificate, it uses HTTPS. More...
class  OSHttpXmlRpcHandler
class  PollServiceEventArgs
class  PollServiceHttpRequest
class  PollServiceHttpRequestComparer
class  PollServiceRequestManager
class  RestDeserialiseHandler< TRequest, TResponse >
class  RestHTTPHandler
class  RestObjectPoster
 Makes an asynchronous REST request which doesn't require us to do anything with the response. More...
class  RestObjectPosterResponse< TResponse >
 Makes an asynchronous REST request with a callback to invoke with the response. More...
class  RestSessionObject< TRequest >
class  SynchronousRestSessionObjectPoster< TRequest, TResponse >
class  RestSessionObjectPosterResponse< TRequest, TResponse >
class  RestDeserialiseSecureHandler< TRequest, TResponse >
class  RestDeserialiseTrustedHandler< TRequest, TResponse >
class  RestStreamHandler
class  WebSocketHttpServerHandler
 This class implements websockets. It grabs the network context from C::Webserver and utilizes it directly as a tcp streaming service More...
class  WebSocketReader
 Reads a byte stream and returns Websocket frames. More...
class  WebSocketFrame
 RFC6455 Websocket Frame More...
struct  WebsocketFrameHeader
class  WebsocketDataEventArgs
class  WebsocketTextEventArgs
class  PingEventArgs
class  PongEventArgs
class  RegularHttpRequestEvnetArgs
class  UpgradeCompletedEventArgs
class  UpgradeFailedEventArgs
class  CloseEventArgs
class  XmlRpcBasicDOSProtector


enum  OSHttpHandlerResult { OSHttpHandlerResult.Unprocessed, OSHttpHandlerResult.Pass, OSHttpHandlerResult.Done }
enum  OSHttpStatusCode : int {
  OSHttpStatusCode.InfoContinue = 100, OSHttpStatusCode.InfoSwitchingProtocols = 101, OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOk = 200, OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkCreated = 201,
  OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkAccepted = 202, OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkNonAuthoritativeInformation = 203, OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkNoContent = 204, OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkResetContent = 205,
  OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOkPartialContent = 206, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectMultipleChoices = 300, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectMovedPermanently = 301, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectFound = 302,
  OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectSeeOther = 303, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectNotModified = 304, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectUseProxy = 305, OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectMovedTemporarily = 307,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorBadRequest = 400, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorUnauthorized = 401, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorPaymentRequired = 402, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorForbidden = 403,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorNotFound = 404, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorMethodNotAllowed = 405, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorNotAcceptable = 406, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorProxyAuthRequired = 407,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorRequestTimeout = 408, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorConflict = 409, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorGone = 410, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorLengthRequired = 411,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorPreconditionFailed = 412, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorRequestEntityToLarge = 413, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorRequestURITooLong = 414, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorUnsupportedMediaType = 415,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorRequestRangeNotSatisfiable = 416, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorExpectationFailed = 417, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorPreconditionRequired = 428, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorTooManyRequests = 429,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431, OSHttpStatusCode.ClientErrorJoker = 499, OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorInternalError = 500, OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorNotImplemented = 501,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorBadGateway = 502, OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorServiceUnavailable = 503, OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorGatewayTimeout = 504, OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorHttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
  OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511
 HTTP status codes (almost) as defined by W3C in and IETF in More...


delegate string BinaryMethod (byte[] data, string path, string param)
delegate Hashtable GenericHTTPMethod (Hashtable request)
delegate bool JsonRPCMethod (OSDMap jsonRpcRequest, ref JsonRpcResponse response)
delegate OSD LLSDMethod (string path, OSD request, string endpoint)
delegate OSD DefaultLLSDMethod (OSD request, IPEndPoint client)
delegate OSD LLSDMethodString (OSD request, string thePath)
delegate bool OSHttpContentTypeChecker (OSHttpRequest req)
 An OSHttpHandler that matches on the "content-type" header can supply an OSHttpContentTypeChecker delegate which will be invoked by the request matcher in OSHttpRequestPump. More...
delegate XmlRpcResponse OSHttpHttpProcessor (XmlRpcRequest request)
delegate XmlRpcResponse OSHttpXmlRpcProcessor (XmlRpcRequest request)
delegate void RequestMethod (UUID requestID, Hashtable request)
delegate bool HasEventsMethod (UUID requestID, UUID pId)
delegate Hashtable GetEventsMethod (UUID requestID, UUID pId)
delegate Hashtable NoEventsMethod (UUID requestID, UUID pId)
delegate TResponse RestDeserialiseMethod< TRequest, TResponse > (TRequest request)
delegate string RestMethod (string request, string path, string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
delegate void ReturnResponse< T > (T reponse)
delegate bool CheckIdentityMethod (string sid, string aid)
delegate bool CheckTrustedSourceMethod (IPEndPoint peer)
delegate void DataDelegate (object sender, WebsocketDataEventArgs data)
delegate void TextDelegate (object sender, WebsocketTextEventArgs text)
delegate void PingDelegate (object sender, PingEventArgs pingdata)
delegate void PongDelegate (object sender, PongEventArgs pongdata)
delegate void RegularHttpRequestDelegate (object sender, RegularHttpRequestEvnetArgs request)
delegate void UpgradeCompletedDelegate (object sender, UpgradeCompletedEventArgs completeddata)
delegate void UpgradeFailedDelegate (object sender, UpgradeFailedEventArgs faileddata)
delegate void CloseDelegate (object sender, CloseEventArgs closedata)
delegate bool ValidateHandshake (string pWebOrigin, string pWebSocketKey, string pHost)
delegate XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcMethod (XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint client)

Enumeration Type Documentation

<sumary> Any OSHttpHandler must return one of the following results:

result code meaning
Pass handler did not process the request</request>
Done handler did process the request, OSHttpServer can clean up and close the request</request>

Definition at line 53 of file OSHttpHandler.cs.

HTTP status codes (almost) as defined by W3C in and IETF in


100 Tells client that to keep on going sending its request


101 Server understands request, proposes to switch to different application level protocol


200 Request successful


201 Request successful, new resource created


202 Request accepted, processing still on-going


203 Request successful, meta information not authoritative


204 Request successful, nothing to return in the body


205 Request successful, reset displayed content


206 Request successful, partial content returned


300 Redirect: different presentation forms available, take a pick


301 Redirect: requested resource has moved and now lives somewhere else


302 Redirect: Resource temporarily somewhere else, location might change


303 Redirect: See other as result of a POST


304 Redirect: Resource still the same as before


305 Redirect: Resource must be accessed via proxy provided in location field


307 Redirect: Resource temporarily somewhere else, location might change


400 Client error: bad request, server does not grok what the client wants


401 Client error: the client is not authorized, response provides WWW-Authenticate header field with a challenge


402 Client error: Payment required (reserved for future use)


403 Client error: Server understood request, will not deliver, do not try again.


404 Client error: Server cannot find anything matching the client request.


405 Client error: The method specified by the client in the request is not allowed for the resource requested


406 Client error: Server cannot generate suitable response for the resource and content characteristics requested by the client


407 Client error: Similar to 401, Server requests that client authenticate itself with the proxy first


408 Client error: Server got impatient with client and decided to give up waiting for the client's request to arrive


409 Client error: Server could not fulfill the request for a resource as there is a conflict with the current state of the resource but thinks client can do something about this


410 Client error: The resource has moved somewhere else, but server has no clue where.


411 Client error: The server is picky again and insists on having a content-length header field in the request


412 Client error: one or more preconditions supplied in the client's request is false


413 Client error: For fear of reflux, the server refuses to swallow that much data.


414 Client error: The server considers the Request-URI to be indecently long and refuses to even look at it.


415 Client error: The server has no clue about the media type requested by the client (contrary to popular belief it is not a warez server)


416 Client error: The requested range cannot be delivered by the server.


417 Client error: The expectations of the client as expressed in one or more Expect header fields cannot be met by the server, the server is awfully sorry about this.


428 Client error :The 428 status code indicates that the origin server requires the request to be conditional.


429 Client error: The 429 status code indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").


431 Client error: The 431 status code indicates that the server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large. The request MAY be resubmitted after reducing the size of the request header fields.


499 Client error: Wildcard error.


500 Server error: something really strange and unexpected happened


501 Server error: The server does not do the functionality required to carry out the client request. not at all. certainly not before breakfast. but also not after breakfast.


502 Server error: While acting as a proxy or a gateway, the server got ditched by the upstream server and as a consequence regretfully cannot fulfill the client's request


503 Server error: Due to unforseen circumstances the server cannot currently deliver the service requested. Retry-After header might indicate when to try again.


504 Server error: The server blames the upstream server for not being able to deliver the service requested and claims that the upstream server is too slow delivering the goods.


505 Server error: The server does not support the HTTP version conveyed in the client's request.


511 Server error: The 511 status code indicates that the client needs to authenticate to gain network access.

Definition at line 33 of file OSHttpStatusCodes.cs.

Function Documentation

delegate string OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.BinaryMethod ( byte[]  data,
string  path,
string  param 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.CheckIdentityMethod ( string  sid,
string  aid 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.CheckTrustedSourceMethod ( IPEndPoint  peer)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.CloseDelegate ( object  sender,
CloseEventArgs  closedata 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.DataDelegate ( object  sender,
WebsocketDataEventArgs  data 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate OSD OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.DefaultLLSDMethod ( OSD  request,
IPEndPoint  client 
delegate Hashtable OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.GenericHTTPMethod ( Hashtable  request)
delegate Hashtable OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.GetEventsMethod ( UUID  requestID,
UUID  pId 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.HasEventsMethod ( UUID  requestID,
UUID  pId 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.JsonRPCMethod ( OSDMap  jsonRpcRequest,
ref JsonRpcResponse  response 
delegate OSD OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.LLSDMethod ( string  path,
OSD  request,
string  endpoint 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate OSD OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.LLSDMethodString ( OSD  request,
string  thePath 
delegate Hashtable OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.NoEventsMethod ( UUID  requestID,
UUID  pId 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.OSHttpContentTypeChecker ( OSHttpRequest  req)

An OSHttpHandler that matches on the "content-type" header can supply an OSHttpContentTypeChecker delegate which will be invoked by the request matcher in OSHttpRequestPump.

true if the handler is interested in the content; false otherwise
delegate XmlRpcResponse OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.OSHttpHttpProcessor ( XmlRpcRequest  request)
delegate XmlRpcResponse OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.OSHttpXmlRpcProcessor ( XmlRpcRequest  request)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.PingDelegate ( object  sender,
PingEventArgs  pingdata 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.PongDelegate ( object  sender,
PongEventArgs  pongdata 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.RegularHttpRequestDelegate ( object  sender,
RegularHttpRequestEvnetArgs  request 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.RequestMethod ( UUID  requestID,
Hashtable  request 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate TResponse OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.RestDeserialiseMethod< TRequest, TResponse > ( TRequest  request)
delegate string OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.RestMethod ( string  request,
string  path,
string  param,
IOSHttpRequest  httpRequest,
IOSHttpResponse  httpResponse 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.ReturnResponse< T > ( reponse)
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.TextDelegate ( object  sender,
WebsocketTextEventArgs  text 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.UpgradeCompletedDelegate ( object  sender,
UpgradeCompletedEventArgs  completeddata 
delegate void OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.UpgradeFailedDelegate ( object  sender,
UpgradeFailedEventArgs  faileddata 
delegate bool OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.ValidateHandshake ( string  pWebOrigin,
string  pWebSocketKey,
string  pHost 
delegate XmlRpcResponse OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer.XmlRpcMethod ( XmlRpcRequest  request,
IPEndPoint  client 